Friday, November 14, 2014

BANKU preparation from Ghana Africa

Today's african meal is BANKU from ghana.

This is a Fufu fufu-like staple from Ghana
made from partially-fermented ground
maize and grated Cassava.
750g cornflour or ground maize
750g grated cassava
Combine the cornflour and grated
cassava with just enough warm water to
dampen all of it then mix well. Cover the
container with a clean cloth and allow to
stand in a warm place for 2 to 3 days. (In
cooler climates fermentation may take up
to 4 days.) When properly fermented the
mix should have a slightly sour aroma
(rather like that of rising bread).
Once ready knead the fermented dough
with your hands until it is thoroughly
mixed and slightly stiffened. Then bring
250ml water to boil in a large pot. Slowly
add the fermented dough to this and
cook on a low simmer for 20 minutes or
more, stirring constantly and vigourously.
The banku will become thick and stiff
(like fufu) and will become slightly grey.
When ready, form the banku into serving-
sized balls (some 10cm in diameter) and
serve with tomato fried sauce

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